working from home
I can't imagine that any company will allow one and not others, but if they did, this is the criteria I would look at for the employee in question:
What is the error rate
What has been their work ratio compared to others
What is the absence rate for the past year
What is the work history as far as ambition and ability to get along with others
What is the ability of the employee to work without direct supervision
Will the employee be able to keep current on continuing education, who will have that expense.
Then you have to look at universal questions as well:
What is the ability of hook up for high speed? (Some areas still don't have this)
What is the expense of the facility for this hook up, will they be using their own computer, a company computer, printer, network capability, etc.
Will the employee become a contract employee or will they continue to be an employee of the facility.
Will the facility continue to buy the books and resources etc, or will the employee take over that expense (goes back to the contract issue)
These are just a few things, I certainly haven't hit on everything. It's not an easy transition, but I know that's the way things are heading. Good luck!