Wiki Episiotomy repair and hymenal ring repair

Hurley, WI
Best answers
I'm not familiar with this procedure. My diagnosis are dyspareunia, gaping introitus and previous episiotomy repair pain. An episiotomy repair and hymenal ring repair were done.
I'm getting an edit that my procedure isn't likely with my diagnosis.
My diagnosis are: N94.1, N81.89 and G89.18
My CPT codes are: 59300 and 56700

Here is a description of the procedure.....
The previous scar was excised out. The muscularis tissue was identified and resecured with a 2-0 Vicryl. Muscularis suture was resecured with a 2-0 Vicryl on a CT-1 in a crown stitch. This reapproximated the hymenal ring edges in close proximity. The remaining incision was repaired in traditional episiotomy repaire with a with 2-0 Vicryl on a CT-1. Good hemostasis was noted, good skin and vaginal epithelium approximation noted and reduction in the introital gaping.