Wiki Follow up for resolved condition

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I have an encounter to code that has me stumped. The patient was seen for a follow up for thrush. Patient Had no other problems and the thrush was resolved. We cannot code for resolved conditions, would I code 99212 with a v67.9 unspecified follow-up examination? Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :):confused:
I would code the thrush - it's why they're coming in - (thankfully, it's gone) but they had it, and are coming in because of it, for follow up. I'd code the Vcode secondary (if at all)
{that's my opinion on the posted matter}
I agree with Donna.
If it is resolved, why did the patient come in. The provider must need to confirm it has resolved - hence the follow up for thrush. This is the reason why the patient came in and I'd bill the thrush diagnosis - no V code.
The unlisted follow up V code described seems, to me, that no diagnosis/problem/symptom/complaint/etc was documented - leaving the coder to use 'an unlisted icd9 code' must like the 'unlisted procedure codes'.