Wiki New patient labs before visit help!!!!


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A patient called one of our doctors about a condition she was having, and he decided he wanted to do a Pro-time lab test then 3 days later see her in the office. So she came in and had the lab drawn, but since she did not have a visit we did not charge her as a new patient. When she comes back for the visit, can the doctor charge a new patient visit, since technically he has never seen her?

Thank You for any assistance in this matter

Lab with visit

I would charge the venipuncture fee, and the lab if you are performing the lab service. When the patient returns to your office for her appointment, I would charge that visit as a new patient.
new patient

I agree, it's my understanding that as long as there is no "face-to-face" with the physician or any other physician in the office/group then the visit can and should be a new patient visit.