Wiki Nurse Visits 99211 Help

Honolulu, HI
Best answers
Hi all,

I've been hired as a coder after the clinic I work at updated to a new EMR system, and I've come across issues with coding for nurse visits.
We've established that when patients come in for injections/vaccinations, we code for the injections/vaccinations and the correct admin codes.

But this is how they've been coding for other nurse visits and I'm not sure if I should remove the 99211:

Blood draws (orders on file): 99211 + 36415
Urine Pregnancy Test: 99211 + 81025
TB skin test: 99211 + 86580

Assistance greatly appreciated!
Whether or not the 99211 should be coded would depend on the documentation. 99211 should not be billed just because the patient saw the nurse - there has to be some kind of physician-ordered and medically necessary evaluation and management service provided by the nurse at that visit. The 99211 charge is not supported if the only service being performed is the blood draw or lab test.