Wiki Question about chapter 21 in the ICD-10


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We will be starting a travel clinic here at the University and one of our providers was given a list of diagnosis's to use for different vaccines. I can't find them in any coding book for the ones we give now we use Z23. The list she received has codes Z24-Z29.9. Does anyone know anything about these? If so please advise.

Thank you,
I found a link from 2011 proposing expanding Z23 range. I'm not completely sure but I believe due to code freeze, if they approved them wont be implemented until 2017 at the earliest.
I am not sure where the list came from, however those codes do not exist and cannot be used. The code set is created by WHO and is copy protected. Only codes on the current 2016 version are allowable.
Big Thank you!

Thank you so much for your help, we were wondering where they had come from as well.