Wiki Question regarding 2016 CPC Certification Exam .


Springfield, TN
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Based on the following statement on the CMS website, can anyone tell me if the 2016 CPC certification exam include questions regarding external causes of morbidity?

"Similar to ICD-9-CM, there is no national requirement for mandatory ICD-10-CM external cause code reporting. Unless you are subject to a State based external cause code reporting mandate or these codes are required by a particular payer, you are not required to report ICD-10-CM codes found in Chapter 20 of the ICD-10-CM, External Causes of Morbidity. If you have not been reporting ICD-9-CM external cause codes, you will not be required to report ICD-10-CM codes found in Chapter 20 unless a new State or payer-based requirement about the reporting of these codes is instituted. If such a requirement is instituted, it would be independent of ICD-10-CM implementation. In the absence of a mandatory reporting requirement, you are encouraged to voluntarily report external cause codes, as they provide valuable data for injury research and evaluation of injury prevention strategies. "

There will be questions about it or questions with the codes in it. The fact you knew there was a guideline Will put you ahead. I doubt you will see a question where at minimum of 2 have the code type in it. That will be your key to see if an external cause is mentioned in the question