Wiki Uncontrolled Diabetes


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Does anyone know the appropriate code to use for Uncontrolled Diabetes? Much appreciated!!!
According to the ICD-10 book, the concept of uncontrolled no longer exists only diabetes with or without complications. I did see in my index the following options:

inadequately controlled - code to Diabetes, by type, with hyperglycemia

out of control - code to Diabetes, by type, with hyperglycemia

poorly controlled - code to Diabetes, by type, with hyperglycemia
I personally would not use the "with hyperglycemia" codes unless the provider documents hyperglycemia. If there is no documentation of a specific complication, I would use E11.9 for unspecified type with no complications.
I would say if the physician says uncontrolled they need to specify if its causing hyper or hypoglycemia in an addendum to the medical record. I assume its either one or the other? My other thought is ICD 10 book says hyperglycemia is to be used for "poorly controlled" that's what you should use if not more specific.