established visit- documented as a CPX.
Several established chronic problems listed-- ALL stable. NO chief complaint, but each chronic problem addressed (some documented as followed by another physician). No HPI-- as the problems are mostly current but chronic in terms of years.
Good ROS (detailed), EPF to Detailed PE. Medical necessity-- "screening blood work" ordered. Occasional pharmacologic management. Generally chronic but stable problems. Is this preventative i.e. 99397 or established i.e. 99214? Opinions please.
established visit- documented as a CPX.
Several established chronic problems listed-- ALL stable. NO chief complaint, but each chronic problem addressed (some documented as followed by another physician). No HPI-- as the problems are mostly current but chronic in terms of years.
Good ROS (detailed), EPF to Detailed PE. Medical necessity-- "screening blood work" ordered. Occasional pharmacologic management. Generally chronic but stable problems. Is this preventative i.e. 99397 or established i.e. 99214? Opinions please.