AAPC - Advancing the Business of Healthcare


Welcome to AAPC's annual salary report

Every year, tens of thousands of medical records specialists — a term that encompasses medical coders, billers, auditors, practice managers, and compliance officers — take AAPC's salary survey to provide an overview of compensation and income trends within the industry. If you participated in our latest survey, we sincerely thank you.

From here, we hope you will explore how credentials, location, education, employer type, and other factors impact your income potential.

How does the salary report help me?

Whether you're a seasoned medical records specialist or you’re considering a career in healthcare, AAPC’s 2024 Medical Coding and Billing Salary Report* will help you: 

  • Assess your income potential

  • Prepare for compensation and wage negotiations

  • Plan your career path for greater financial reward

2023 Salary Survey Education Income Trends

Career profile of a medical records specialist

Medical records specialist — a term used to describe a variety of positions tasked with managing patient revenue in the various healthcare settings — ranks high in job opportunities and career advancement potential. The income range is competitive and far exceeds the required financial and time investment compared with preparing for many other professions. What's more, working with healthcare providers in the medial field offers a career path rich in personal reward.

*Disclaimer: Previous years’ survey results included international medical records specialist data. This year’s survey only reflects U.S. participant data to provide more accurate U.S. dollar salary results.

Feeling stuck or stagnant in your career?