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Billing for Gynecological Well Visits: From Traditional to Non-Traditional and Everything In-Between

Presenter Stacey L Berndt, CPC, CPB, CPC-I
Broadcast Date 5/4/2022
Time 10:00am PT / 11:00am MT / 12:00pm CT / 1:00pm ET
Presentation Length 60 minutes
Price $65 (Non-members $85)
Billing for Gynecological Well Visits: From Traditional to Non-Traditional and Everything In-Between Webinar

Mastering Well-Woman Exam Coding: Navigating ACA Benefits and Ensuring Accuracy

This webinar will address common queries regarding normal well-woman exams and the coding ins and outs for all components of the exam, not just what the office is billing – also what the provider is submitting orders for outside laboratory specimens. We will discuss commercial insurance as well as traditional Medicare and non-traditional Medicare well woman exams and coding quandaries.

Associated commonly provided services will also be discussed included LARC’s (long-acting reversible contraceptives) and their insertion and removal. We owe our patients to be as up to date and accurate as possible with our coding of their wellness visits and tests due to the ACA (Affordable Care Act) benefits. Many patients end up owing for screening tests that should have been provided to them at no cost because of incorrect linkage of codes or inaccurate knowledge of the patient’s benefits. There will be time for questions at the conclusion of this live webinar.

Why is this topic important?
This topic is timely and important because with ACA (Affordable Care Act) benefits, insured are awarded the benefit of free screenings, but this is only if the coding is correct!! Provider offices are watching every penny in the revenue stream, accurate coding ensures clean claims resulting in quicker payments from insurance companies.

Who would benefit from this topic?
Coders, Billers, Providers, Nursing staff

What information or new skills will the attendee take away from this webinar?
• Resources for checking policies and codes
• Suggestions for new workflows
• Understanding of importance of proper linkage of codes.

What is the presenter's background/expertise on this topic
Stacey Berndt is veteran in the medical coding and billing world with over thirty years’ experience. Currently she is the Business Office Manager of an OB/GYN Practice, prior to this she worked with Family Practice clinics for many years. She has served as President, Education Chair and is currently serving as Treasurer of her local AAPC Chapter. Stacey holds CPC, CPB and CPC-I credentials. She has taught coding classes for many years and currently teaches online classes for AAPC.

Stacey L Berndt, CPC, CPB, CPC-I

About The Author

Stacey L Berndt, CPC, CPB, CPC-I

Stacey has been involved with healthcare business operations for over 30 years with experience in all aspects of the business side of a medical practice. Stacey became a certified coder in 2001 and also began teaching coding classes that year.  She currently teaches online for AAPC. Stacey has also been a member of MGMA-Kansas for many years and is a Past President. Stacey is active in her local AAPC chapter where she is currently serving as Treasurer.  In the past, she has been Education Chair and President.

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