AAPC - Advancing the Business of Healthcare

Job Services

If the right candidate is out there, we have the solutions to help you find them, in here.
Did you know... with over 250,000 members, AAPC has the largest healthcare network to help you find top talent.

About AAPC Job Services

Job Board Features

Member Email Blast

Your job listing can be emailed to our over 240K engaged members, spotlighting your job on a monthly basis. Emails go out to every member on the third week of each month.

Featured Job Post

Have your job featured at the top of the Job Board list for all candidates to see, increasing your exposure and job applications.

Employer Dashboard

Your personal Employer Dashboard provides all the necessary tools to manage your posted jobs, view applications, review analytics, and manage profile settings, all in one place.

Automatic Job Import

If your organization has an XML feed, AAPC’s Job Board can accept all of your open positions for easy transition of the jobs you've already created.

Company Profile Page

Create your own, branded profile page that includes your company profile, website links, images, videos, and all active jobs. 

Applicant Tracking

Using a Kanban-style board, our tracking system sorts your applicants by progress in the hiring process so you can quickly identify candidate information, contact your applicants, and make notes for each candidate. 

Some of Our Clients

  • BRG Logo
  • Advocate Logo
  • Auctus Logo
  • FSG Logo
  • Memorial Health Logo