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Ask & Learn: The Gray Areas of Auditing

Presenter Jaci J. Kipreos, COC, CPC, CDEO, CPMA, CRC, CPC-I, CEMC
Broadcast Date 4/19/2023
Time 10:00am PT / 11:00am MT / 12:00pm CT / 1:00pm ET
Presentation Length 60 minutes
Price $65 (Non-members $85)
Ask & Learn: The Gray Areas of Auditing Webinar

Exploring the Gray Areas of Auditing: Join Our Open Discussion

Join us for a discussion about the Gray Areas of Auditing. As an auditor you know you have to make many decisions about the interpretation of guidelines. We will have an open discussion about the challenges of auditing when you are on the fence or sometimes just not sure. The discussion will not be limited to E/M only, bring your questions and your thoughts and lets ask some questions and learn from each other.


About The Author


Jaci has been working in the field of medical coding and auditing for over 30 years and has been a Certified Professional Coder (CPC) since 1994 and attained her COC for facility- based coding issues in 2005.  She has also obtained her credential as a Certified Professional Medical Auditor and is certified in the specialty of Evaluation and Management Coding.  In 2019 Jaci obtained her certification in documentation improvement, CDEO, and incorporates this into the compliance audits that she conducts.
Kipreos has worked in a variety of practice settings and has particular expertise in coding for family practice, urgent care, OB/GYN, general surgery, Medicare’s Teaching Physician Guidelines, with a particular emphasis on compliance with Evaluation and Management guidelines.
Jaci is a past president of local chapters of AAPC in both Richmond, VA and Charlottesville, VA.  She also served as the President for the AAPC National Advisory Board from 2013-2015.  Jaci received her B.S. in Finance from Virginia Tech


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