Anyone working in or around medical auditing or anyone curious about auditing should attend. AUDITCON has a track designed for those new to the field and two tracks for seasoned pros. No matter your experience level, you'll leave with a better understanding of the audit process and the role you play in it.
AUDITCON includes an interactive networking lunch to help auditors come together, get to know each other, and share experiences. Plus, you'll have the chance to play games together and win prizes!
There’s no better opportunity to meet other like-minded professionals — without even needing to leave your couch. Don’t miss your chance to create life-long connections and future support.
Did you know that 80% of conference attendees have their costs paid by their employers? Keeping yourself informed and up to date benefits not only you, but your company as a whole. Download this informational flyer for tips on asking your employer to send you to AUDITCON.