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Ob Gyn Coding Alert - 2018; Volume 21, Number 12
Asking 1 Question Will Veer Your Vaginal Cuff Repair Claims Away From Denial Disasters
Returning to the operating room means 58999. To select the appropriate code for vaginal c...
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Here's How the 99000 Gamble Could Pay Off
You can forget about Medicare reimbursing this code. When your ob-gyn performs a Pap smea...
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When Abandoning Global Ob Code, Count the Number of Antepartum Visits
Tip: Be sure to ask carriers how they want multiple antepartum visits coded. Did your ob-...
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Reader Question:
Review These NPP Guidelines for Coding Virtual Visits
Question: What's the best way to document email exchanges between a patient's guardian and...
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Reader Question:
Should You Report Graft and Sling? Find Out
Question: I need a code for a BioArc graft. I know to use the mesh code +57267 for CPT® c...
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Reader Question:
Dig Into These Obstetric Hospital Services
Question: What hospital charges can the physicians report for obstetric patients? Califor...
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Reader Question:
Get Your Modifier Reductions Straight
Question: Using the Resource-Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS), what are the relative val...
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Reader Question:
New Physician Doesn't Mean New Patient
Question: We have a new ob-gyn in our group whose patients from his previous group followe...
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Reader Question:
Choose Your Postpartum Care Code Wisely
Question: Our ob-gyn provided antepartum care for a patient who delivered out of town. Now...
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Reader Question:
Include Inductions in the Global Package
Question: Is a two-day induction included in the global package for a normal spontaneous v...
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Reader Question:
Tame This Cystectomy, Lysis of Adhesion Note
Question: I need help with an op note: “Name of procedure: Diagnostic laparoscopy, righ...
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You Be the Coder:
Help Distinguish Hysterosalpingogram/Hysterosonogram
Question: What is the difference between a hysterosalpingogram and a hysterosonogram? Whic...
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Ob Gyn Coding Alert - 2018; Volume 21, Number 11
CPT® 2019:
Adopt These Flu Vaccine, FNA, and Interprofessional Services Updates Before Jan. 1
You escaped major changes but missing subtle ones could still undermine your claim. You c...
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3 Scenarios and Solutions Will Boost Your Biopsy Coding Accuracy
Don't assume the number of samples equals the number of biopsy units. Are you sure you're...
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Get Back to Basics With This Refresher on Consultation Coding
The words ‘transfer' or ‘referral' can be your key to success. In the midst of keepin...
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Reader Question:
Here's Why N78.8 is the Old Dx for Couple's Infertility Diagnosis
Question: What diagnosis code should I use for an office visit where a patient and her hus...
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Reader Question:
Check CCI Edits For Paratubal Cyst Aspirations
Question: The physician performed a left salpingo-oophorectomy with drainage of right para...
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Reader Question:
Follow the OB Drug Screening Rules of the Road
Question: Our providers are now performing a qualitative drug screen in our office on all ...
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Reader Question:
Ultrasounds Do Not Equal "Incident-To"
Question: If our patient sees the nurse practitioner and undergoes an ultrasound that day,...
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Reader Question:
Patient Death Doesn't Mean HIPAA Agreement Dies, Too
Question: What does HIPAA say about maintaining patients' private health information after...
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Reader Question:
Compare RVUs for C-Sections Versus Vaginal Deliveries
Question: I have a quick question about reimbursements from carriers. I was under the impr...
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You Be the Coder:
Pick Apart How to Code Pop-Q Exam
Question: During an audit review, we had a physician mention other practices were getting ...
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Ob Gyn Coding Alert - 2018; Volume 21, Number 10
ICD-10 Update:
Thwart Potential Claim Disasters By Underlining 2 Ob-Gyn Guideline Revisions
Hint: Avoid reporting BMI diagnoses during pregnancy. You learned the new ICD-10-CM codes...
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Bust 4 Myths to Conquer Contraceptive Service Coding
Find out whether preventive services include counseling. Do you know when you should code...
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How to Untangle Your Nonsurgical SUI Treatment Coding Options
Here's how to report training involving biofeedback. Before turning to surgical treatment...
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Coding Quiz:
Are You an Expert When It Comes to Modifier 25 Versus 57? Find Out
Scheduling a surgery for next week may not require a modifier at all. If you want to boos...
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Reader Question:
Patient Death Doesn't Mean HIPAA Agreement Dies, Too
Question: What does HIPAA say about maintaining patients' private health information after...
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Reader Question:
This is How to Clear Up Your Injection Coding Mistakes
Question: Our ob-gyn injected Depo-Medrol and Xylocaine-into the area of the vaginal cuff ...
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Reader Question:
Coding 58925, 49320 Means Specifying Incorrect Surgical Method
Question: My ob-gyn performed a diagnostic laparoscopy with ovarian cystectomy. Would it b...
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Reader Question:
Find Out if You Can Report Admin Code With This J Code
Question: What code should I bill for Progesterone 200mg? Can you bill for the administrat...
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Reader Question:
Update Your Modifiers for Telehealth
Question: If we provide telehealth services from our practice's offices, do we need to app...
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Reader Question:
Avoid Protected Health Information Exposure
Question: Do you have any advice to help us protect our patients' health information, if t...
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Reader Question:
Find Out How Long After Delivery You Can Apply Postpartum Condition
Question: Patient had hysteroscopy with lysis of adhesions and a dilation and curettage (D...
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You Be the Coder:
Your Lesion Code Depends on Diameter
Question: Our physician performedan excision of 4 benign lesions and wants to bill 11420, ...
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Ob Gyn Coding Alert - 2018; Volume 21, Number 9
Here's the Secret to Coding Abortions: Determining the Type
“Complete” or “incomplete” may decide your CPT® coding options. If you have a cl...
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Breakthrough Your Pessary Coding Challenges With This Expert Advice
Find out if your ob-gyn did a refitting at the time of a pessary insertion. Relying on 57...
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Locate 3 Key Pieces of Critical Information Before Coding Based on Time
Key: Don't rely on ‘I spent more than an hour with the patient' provider comments. If y...
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Reader Question:
Find Out What to Code for Laparoscopy With IUD Retrieval
Question: Via the laparoscope, the ob-gyn located the intrauterine device (IUD) in the lef...
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Reader Question:
Demystify Myomectomy at the Time of the C-Section
Question: My ob-gyn performed a myomectomy at the same time as a c-section. Should I repor...
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Reader Question:
Check out CCI Versus CPT® Rules
Question: I used the Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits checker tool and entered CPT® ...
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You Be the Coder:
How to Code a Post-LEEP Injury
Question: Patient had LEEP for CIN 3 yesterday. Started bleeding around 6 pm last night an...
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Ob Gyn Coding Alert - 2018; Volume 21, Number 8
ICD-10 2019:
Multiple Gestation, Surgical Wound Infection Diagnoses Top Your New Obstetric ICD-10 Codes
Inclusion terms under the new codes will direct you to the right choice. The World Health...
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ICD-10 2019:
Navigate These New and Numerous Q, R, T, and Z Gynecology Options
Don't forget: You'll need to include an “x” placeholder for these T codes. You've got...
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Quick Quiz:
Can You Answer These 5 EOB-Related Questions?
Check out this list of the elements EOBs and RAs contain. Explaining explanation of benef...
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Reader Question:
Demystify Commonly Used Modifier for Coding Success
Question: We are not sure when we can append modifier 25. Could you please explain this? ...
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Reader Question:
Abolish PHI Risk by Asking 6 Questions
Question: I'm always concerned about protecting our patients' health information, especial...
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Reader Question:
Tackle This Uterine Tandem Scenario
Question: My ob-gyn diagnosed a 72-year-old patient with uterine cancer. She is not a cand...
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You Be the Coder:
Clarify Coding for BPP and Limited Twin Ultrasounds
Question: My ultrasound tech scanned a patient with a twin pregnancy. The patient is 31.5 ...
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Ob Gyn Coding Alert - 2018; Volume 21, Number 7
Here's How to Determine Whether the LEEP Was a Conization or Biopsy
Solve potential problems by asking, “Did the ob-gyn remove part of the endocervix?” L...
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Medical Indications and Equipment Will Decide Between Routine, Targeted Ultrasounds
You run the risk of an audit if you report these codes incorrectly. As many as 70 percent...
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Prove Urine Test Medical Necessity With Accurate ICD-10 Codes
Your ob-gyn bills these services frequently, so pinpoint the right codes. When patients p...
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Reader Question:
Follow this MDM Guidance for Preoperative Clearance
Question: I am writing for some guidance on Medical Decision Making (MDM) E/M coding for v...
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Reader Question:
1 Patient, 2 Same-Day Ob-Gyn Visits? Here's What to Do
Question: One patient scheduled on the same day saw two different ob-gyns of the same prac...
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Reader Question:
Find Out What Services a CNM Can Perform
Question: BCBS has denied a claim stating that our certified nurse midwife (CNM) cannot pe...
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Reader Question:
Apply the Fetal Fracture Dx to This Patient's Chart
Question: Patient was about 6cm and began to have decelerations into the 80's. They decide...
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You Be the Coder:
Forgo a Code for Blood Cord Collections
Question: My ob-gyn saw a patient who had a normal spontaneous vaginal delivery over midli...
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Ob Gyn Coding Alert - 2018; Volume 21, Number 6
Highlighting 3 Factors Will Target Tubal Ligation Claim Perfection
Plus, find out what to do when ob-gyns perform prophylactic salpingectomies. When a patie...
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Recoup Pay for Same Day Preventive and E/M Services—If You Follow This Advice
Find out which modifier you need to have on hand. Your ob-gyn's documentation warrants an...
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You Need to Rethink Your Medical Student E/M Documentation Policies, CMS Says
CMS's deregulation train eases reporting restrictions for student clinicians. Administrat...
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Reader Question:
Unsuccessful IUD Removal, Reinsertion Could Cause Problems
Question: How would you bill this (see below)? Pt presents today for placement of Mirena...
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Reader Question:
Determine the Level of Repair
Question: My ob-gyn documented the following: 20 cc of lidocaine injected into the lacera...
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Reader Question:
Go In-Depth With This Absent Patient Scenario
Question: We have a mom that came in for a consult about her 12-year-old daughter, but the...
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Reader Question:
Here's How to Tell the Difference Between 58100, 58120
Question: An old issue of the Ob-gyn Coding Alert has an example of CPT® 58100-endometria...
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You Be the Coder:
Procreative Versus Infertility Diagnoses
Question: We see patients regarding fertility, so before we see the patients for their ini...
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Ob Gyn Coding Alert - 2018; Volume 21, Number 5
Op Note:
5 Steps Help Simplify This Multi-Surgeon Hysterectomy, MMK Scenario
Two surgeons mean each one will report the same code with this modifier. Here's the situa...
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Avoid Making Costly Modifier 59 Mistakes With This Advice
If you notice you applied it to the wrong code, here's what you should do. Although you m...
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Coding Additional Visits Outside of Global Ob Package? Here's What to Do
Heads up: Complications can happen both before and after delivery. Additional visits outs...
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Reader Question:
Stick to Ob U/S for Confirmation of Pregnancy Scan
Question: When we see a patient for confirmation of pregnancy, I bill a 76817 with a dx of...
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Reader Question:
The Postpartum Exam Includes These Elements
Question: When we report global ob care, it includes a "postpartum exam." What is the defi...
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Reader Question:
Lacking an Excision of Cervical Septum Code? Do This
Question: Patient had a known septate uterus and vagina. After a vaginal delivery, the ob-...
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Reader Question:
Explain a Signed ABN Means the Patient Must Pay
Question: We have a patient who came for a bone density scan we knew Medicare wasn't likel...
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Reader Question:
Hand Held Ultrasound Device Means No 76811
Question: A physician uses a handheld ultrasound device (such as SonoSite). He is able to ...
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Reader Question:
Consider Unlisted Code For Ovarian Drilling
Question: If the doctor had made multiple punctures, and this was an ovarian drilling proc...
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You Be the Coder:
Envision This Code for U/S With IUD Removal
Question: A patient has to undergo ultrasonic guidance to remove an IUD. What would the co...
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Ob Gyn Coding Alert - 2018; Volume 21, Number 4
Bust 4 Myths Before Making a $300 Vulvectomy, Integumentary Code Mistake
Highlight the type of lesion, lesion size (plus margin), and type of closure. Worst case ...
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E/M Coding:
Reporting 99211 Every Day? Follow These 5 Best Practices
Here's what the nurse needs to document. Having a nurse on staff at your ob-gyn practice ...
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Your Top Fetus 1, Fetus 2 ICD-10-CM Coding Questions Answered
Is your physician not consistent identifying the fetus? Here's what to do. If you're conf...
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Reader Question:
Here's How to Bill for the Bakri Balloon
Question: A patient had a primary c-section for breech and fibroids. The c-section was com...
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Reader Question:
Decide Which Initial and Follow-Up Ultrasound Codes to Report
Question: What is the CPT® code for initial anatomy ultrasound at 15 weeks gestation and ...
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Reader Question:
Solve Your Vaginal Cuff Repair Post-Hysterectomy Question
Question: How should I code for a vaginal cuff repair after a hysterectomy done? Alabam...
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Reader Question:
How to Isolate Delivery Without Prenatal, Postpartum Care
Question: We deliver patients in the hospital who receive no prenatal care. We perform del...
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Reader Question:
Consider Your ICD-10 Options for Rubella Non-Immune Status
Question: How do you code Rubella non-immune status in a pregnant patient? I can only thin...
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Reader Question:
Determine Whether to Report Observation or Discharge Code
Question: I have a question about obstetrical patients in observation status. If a patient...
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You Be the Coder:
Flishie Clips Removal with a Myomectomy
Question: Physician removed Flishie clips at the same time as a Myomectomy. What CPT® cod...
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Ob Gyn Coding Alert - 2018; Volume 21, Number 3
CCI 24.0:
Pay Attention to Modifier Indicators Included With These Numerous 38573, 58575 Edits
Even though you can report a modifier with 99483, modifier 59 may not be appropriate. Jan...
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ED Payments:
Guess What? Anthem Extends Policy Denying "Inappropriate" ED Visits to 3 More States
Take heart: Physician groups, lawmakers fight against expanded policy. Private insurer An...
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Heads Up: Your Dx Are Doing More Than Declaring Medical Necessity
Here are the 'quality' pay implications you need to know. If you think of diagnosis codin...
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Reader Question:
Here's How to Decide Between Pertinent, Complete PFSH
Question: Can you give me an example of pertinent PFSH versus complete PFSH? Florida Subs...
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Reader Question:
Tackle CCI Versus CPT® Rules
Question: I used the Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits checker tool and entered 2 CPT...
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Reader Question:
Clarify is Key for BPP of Twin Ultrasounds
Question: My ultrasound tech scanned a patient with a twin pregnancy. The patient is 31.5 ...
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You Be the Coder:
Hysteroscope With Retained Products of Conception
Question: We billed a 59820 – DX O02.1. The patient was still bleeding, so we brought he...
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Ob Gyn Coding Alert - 2018; Volume 21, Number 2
Hysterectomy, Part 3:
2 Hysterectomy Op Notes Demonstrate What Documentation Makes the Grade — And What Doesn't
Missing language means you won't know what to code. In the previous two hysterectomy arti...
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Chronicle Complication Visits For Additional Pay Outside Global Package
Complications can occur both prior to the delivery and afterward. So you know you can rep...
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3 Tips Will Harmonize Your Billing Firm With Your Ob-Gyn Practice
Billers, practices must work together to ensure smooth claims processes. Busy ob-gyn prac...
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Reader Question:
Identify Modifiers in This IUD Removal/Insertion Scenario
Question: My physician removed an IUD hysteroscopically and reinserted a new device while ...
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Reader Question:
Here's How to Code Bladder Repair With Milk Infusion
Question: One of our doctors was consulted at the end of a c-section on a patient to perfo...
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Reader Question:
Tackle This Vaginal Delivery With Uterine Inversion Scenario
Question: I have a patient that had a uterine inversion after a vaginal delivery. The pati...
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Reader Question:
Get the 95 Guidelines Exam Portion Straight
Question: I have a old audit sheet that states for 1995 guidelines: Problem focused exam:...
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Reader Question:
No Easy Solution to Open Paratubal Cystectomy With Myomectomy
Question: Our physician performed an open abdominal myomectomy and removed 19 fibroids. He...
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You Be the Coder:
Open Ovarian Drilling
Question: Our patient was scheduled for a laparoscopic right oophorectomy along with left ...
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Ob Gyn Coding Alert - 2018; Volume 21, Number 1
Hysterectomy Coding, Part 2:
Correct Your Hysterectomy Combo Claims Before You Face a Denial
In a case of two potential coding options, you should factor in RVUs. Remember how you fa...
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4 Frequently Asked Questions Demystify Multiple Gestation Coding
Here's how to handle a referral to a MFM specialist. Patients who are pregnant with multi...
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5 Tips Rid Your Practice Of Fraud and Abuse Accusations
Hint: The provider is responsible for every claim submitted to payers. Sometimes handling...
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Reader Question:
Take This Diagnostic Laparoscopy Note Challenge
Question: This patient had a TLH on 11/17/17 and on 11/24/17 had the surgery below. Not su...
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Reader Question:
Don't Make This Native Tissue Mistake
Question: Our physician performed an Altis sling for urinary stress incontinence and a pos...
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Reader Question:
Clarify These Antenatal Screening Codes
Question: In preparing for the new ICD-10 codes, I have been asked for clarification on th...
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Reader Question:
How to Report Hysterectomy of Double Reproductive Organs
Question: What should we do for hysterectomy coding in a case of double reproductive organ...
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Reader Question:
Seek Finer Details in this Hysterotomy Repair Scenario
Question: Our ob-gyn performed a laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy (LSC) converted to open lapar...
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You Be the Coder:
Look to this Dx for Breastfeeding Counseling
Question: My ob-gyn saw a patient who was having problems breastfeeding her infant. W...
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Available Years: